Juncaceae - Laboratorio de Sistematica de Plantas Vasculares
Juncaceae. JUNCACEAE Juss. Habito: plantas herbaceas por lo comun con aspecto de gramineas, terrestres, semiacuaticas, o a veces acuaticas, solitarias o. Juncaceae. juncaceas. Plantas perennes, herbaceas, de hojas largas, estrechas y envainantes, en ocasiones reducidas a escamas. Las flores son. Juncaceae. Autor: B. Valdes. C. Romero Zarco S. Talavera. Flora Vascular de Andalucia Occidental: Hierbas perennes generalmente rizomatosas, o anuales.Celia Machado (2007) As Juncaceae constituem uma familia pequena com cerca de 6 generos e 400 especies. Os generos mais representativos sao Juncus. The Juncaceae, the rush family, are a monocotyledonous family of flowering plants of eight genera and about 400 species. Members of the Juncaceae are.
Juncaceae. a. Caracteristicas. ? Porte: perennes, hierbas o rara vez arbustos, a menudo con rizoma amilaceo. Tallo junciforme: erectos y cilindricos.
SUMMARY: In this paper we present a catalogue of Juncaceae species from the province of Jaen. (S. E. Spain) wich includes 21 taxa, 6 are new in the zone. Nombre Familia: JUNCACEAE. Descripcion: Familia que consta de 9 generos con unas 400 especies que se encuentra difundida por las zonas templadas y
L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz. Juncaceae Juss. Including Prioniaceae, Sexglumaceae Dulac. Habit and leaf form. Herbs (mostly), or shrubs (a few with woody. Juncaceae (Rush Family). Rushes are round (and sedges have edges) - in general, a good rule for differentiating these two grass-like families. Of the members. Juncaceae. 499. Son plantas herbaceas perennes, generalmente rizomatosas, o anuales, anemofilas. Sus tallos presentan forma junciforme.
Grasses (Poaceae), the sedges (Cyperaceae), and the rushes (Juncaceae). The following table lists the distinguishing characteristics of each. Family stems. Juncaceae A. L. Jussieu. Rush Family. Ralph E. Brooks.Steven E. Clemants. Herbs, perennial, occasionally annual, usually rhizomatous, orsometimes.
Prepared by: Mischa Olson. Year updated: Spring 2013. Juncaceae. The Rush Family. 7 genera. 350 species. Distribution: A cosmopolitan family but mainly. Plural noun Jun ca ceae \?j?kase?e\. Definition of JUNCACEAE.: a large widely distributed family of typically tufted herbs (order Liliales) resembling grasses
Juncaceae (Rush Family) - Native Plants of Montara Mountain
Liliopsid family, monocot family - family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed. rush - grasslike plants growing in wet places. The three families of the sedge group are Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, and Thurniaceae. The flowers of these families are usually small, greenish, and bisexual.
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