Nicandra physalodes (shoo-fly plant)/RHS Gardening
The shoo-fly plant (Nicandra physalodes) can be grown from seed as a decorative addition to the garden. However, it can pop unexpectedly, particularly around. 13 Ago 2009 Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. Miltomate. Primera pagina de la especie Inicio del sitio (Home). 1. Nombres 2. Origen y distribucion 3. Taxon: Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. Genus: Nicandra Family: Solanaceae subfamily: Solanoideae Nomen number: 25243. Place of publication: Fruct. sem.Locations within which Nicandra physalodes is naturalised include Australia, USA, China, Japan, south-eastern Asia, New Zealand and on several Pacific. Nicandra is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family containing the single species Nicandra physalodes. It is known by the common.
29 Ene 2013 Nicandra physalodes es el nombre botanico de esta especie perteneciente a la familia Solanaceae y es conocida de forma comun como:.
Thumbnail #1 of Nicandra physalodes by mystic. Thumbnail #2 of Nicandra physalodes by mystic. Thumbnail #3 of Nicandra physalodes by mystic. Thumbnail. Nicandra physalodes. Nightshade family (Solanaceae). Description: This introduced annual plant is 2-5. tall, branching occasionally. The stems are angular and
Nicandra physalodes is a fast-growing bushy plant reaching a height of three or four feet. It has large lobed leaves, and large blue flowers with rounded petals. PlantLinks to other web pages about Nicandra physalodes Nicandra is an annual, and will die back after it completes its seed cycle, no matter what the. Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertn. Selected physalodes L. Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britton Other sources of information about Nicandra physalodes:.
Synonyms. Classification. Legal Status. Related Links. Nicandra physalodes (L .) Scop. Show All Show Tabs apple of Peru. Image of Nicandra physalodes. 5 Nov 2012 Apple of Peru, Shoofly plant (Nicandra physalodes) is a member of the Nightshade family (Solanacaea) and is somewhat poisonous. It is said.
Information on Apple of Peru, scientifically known as Nicandra physalodes in the Encyclopedia of Life. Species Details. Apple of Peru is a very rare casual annual of waysides, waste places and cultivated ground. All records are from the south of our area, there are
Nicandra physalodes - Rob's plants
Nicandra es un genero monotipico de la familia Solanaceae cuya unica especie es Nicandra physaloides, conocida como manzana del Peru, capuli cimarron o. Loading. NC State University Brick Logo. NCCE Logo. Please submit a search term. Plants All Plants Nicandra physalodes.
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